Alex Zamora

Adam & Ricky

“Once upon a time, in a land far away called Paradise, a human named Adam and his pig pal Ricky lived a merry life in complete ignorance of the true evils that roamed the world. Their existence was idyllic, filled with wonder, laughter, song and dance…until one day, everything changed.”

I also do other stuff! Like pixel art (kinda). It’s something I enjoy doing in my spare time.

Adam & Ricky is a side project I’ve been developing for some years now. Since videogames and drawing are some of the things I personally enjoy the most, it was about time to do something about it aside from playing games.

In short, it’s about the adventures of Adam (yep, the guy from the Bible) and his faithful chum Ricky saving the world from Hitler and the Third Reich, who have happened to come across a time machine and plan on wreaking havoc up and down the timeline of human history. While all of that is more or less the story, the game itself is a pixelart top-down shooter in which we can choose to be either Adam or Ricky, and fight against the hordes of the third (or fourth?) reich through their time travelling campaign of terror.

Hi! I’m Alex, a computer engineer and pixel artist based in Barcelona.

Interested in working together? Send me an email to

What in the nine hells?
Rotate the device or I will curse you and all your lineage!!